Positive Attitude ATTITUDE is · Way of thinking · Way of talking · Way of behaving OSAMA OMAR (Negative Attitude) (Positive Attitude) PEACE is a product of POSITIVE ATTITUDE. VIOLENCE is the result of NEGATIVE ATTITUDE. We should give a POSITIVE Response, even in NEGATIVE situations. UNITED NATIONS proclaimed 1995, the Year of TOLERANCE-January 1995 INTOLERANCE is the GREATEST CHALLENGE of the 21st Century-UNESCO TOLERANCE prevents us from WASTING our TIME and TALENT on unnecessary FRICTION We cannot have anything without paying for it · TOLERANCE is the price of PEACE. · INTOLOERANCE causes WAR and VIOLENCE. A PEACE POLICY always serves as a “PEACE BOMB” Which is MIGHTER than the “VIOLENCE BOMB” A PEACE BOMB means LIFE. A VIOLENCE BOMB means DEATH. A PEACE BOMB Leads to CONSTRUCTION A VIOLENCE BOMB Leads to DISTRUCTION The power of PEACE BOMB is based on LOVE. The power of VIOLENCE BOMB is based on HATRED. HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI...
"नियामक" शब्द रुडयार्ड किपलिंग की कविता "If" के हिन्दी अनुवाद मे मुझे मिला था। यह कविता मुझे काफी अच्छी और प्रेरणा स्त्रोत लगी। तब से यह शब्द मेरी जिन्दगी का अहम् और चुनिन्दा शब्द बन गया है। मूल कविता यहाँ पर दी गई है उम्मीद है आपको भी पसंद आएगी, इस सेक्शन मे आप चुनिंदा कवियों ,लेखकों ,विचारको के विचार इस मुख पृष्ट पर पाएंगे। Copyright© Desh Raj Sirswal