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Showing posts from May, 2010

Positive Attitude by Dr. M.N.Siddiqi

Positive Attitude ATTITUDE is · Way of thinking · Way of talking · Way of behaving OSAMA OMAR (Negative Attitude) (Positive Attitude) PEACE is a product of POSITIVE ATTITUDE. VIOLENCE is the result of NEGATIVE ATTITUDE. We should give a POSITIVE Response, even in NEGATIVE situations. UNITED NATIONS proclaimed 1995, the Year of TOLERANCE-January 1995 INTOLERANCE is the GREATEST CHALLENGE of the 21st Century-UNESCO TOLERANCE prevents us from WASTING our TIME and TALENT on unnecessary FRICTION We cannot have anything without paying for it · TOLERANCE is the price of PEACE. · INTOLOERANCE causes WAR and VIOLENCE. A PEACE POLICY always serves as a “PEACE BOMB” Which is MIGHTER than the “VIOLENCE BOMB” A PEACE BOMB means LIFE. A VIOLENCE BOMB means DEATH. A PEACE BOMB Leads to CONSTRUCTION A VIOLENCE BOMB Leads to DISTRUCTION The power of PEACE BOMB is based on LOVE. The power of VIOLENCE BOMB is based on HATRED. HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI...