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Create by Ms. Manju Chauhan


Nobody will
People always say,
“Write something that, which win all the hearts,
That read by every heart.”
But I want to say
“Do something that, which will be like by every
And wish to write about that.”
It is experienced fact, having good effect.
So, whatever you create,
Note it on you slate.
You have asked some creative,
So I created on create. Hold your chalk and slate,
Without any break………..

Note it on your slate,
Otherwise you’ll be late,
Nobody will appreciate.
People always
“Write something that,
Which win all the hearts,
That read by every heart.”
But I want to say
“Do something that,
Which will be like by every heart,
And wish to write about that.”
It is experienced fact,
Having good
So, whatever you create,
Note it on you slate.
You have asked some creative,
So I created on create.
Hold your chalk and slate,
Without any break.

A poem by Manju Chauhan
B.A.Second Year (Philosophy),
 P.G.Govt. College for Girls,
Sector-11, Chandigarh
Session 2011-2012

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